Welcome to Cork, Ireland!

I made it!! It was a LONG day and a half but I made it.

My day started off with Justin dropping me at LAX on Tuesday afternoon. I had a 9 1/2 hour flight on British Airways. The meals were really good and I did manage to sleep a bit. Enough to make me tired enough to sleep tonight. We flew on what Becca and I call a “pregnant plane”.





















London Heathrow is quite the maze of an airport. I landed at Terminal 5, took a monorail type thing to the other end of the terminal, then a bus to another terminal. After arriving there, I had to pass through border patrol and then back through security. They also do what they call “biometric” screen. They take your picture before going through security. Then they match it with another picture just before you get to your gate. Just to make sure you haven’t switched boarding passes with someone I guess. It was a quick hop from London to Dublin. My bag made it with me to Dublin and I didn’t have to wait very long for the Aircoach bus to Cork.


































The bus ride was smooth. It had Wifi on board so I was able to check my email and chat with Justin for a bit. I also napped for a good portion of the trip. I made it into Cork around 8pm and walked to the Garnish House Bed and Breakfast. This is a very quaint place but has all of the amenities you want. I’m actually siting by the fireplace in the common room waiting to Skype with Justin. Tomorrow I will be exploring Cork and getting ready for the conference! Wish me luck!



~ by notforproffitt on September 4, 2013.

One Response to “Welcome to Cork, Ireland!”

  1. So glad your trip went smoothly. We spent the afternoon hitting the flea markets in town shopping for wedding decor. Fun.

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